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Electrochemical corrosion behavior of a novel antibacterial stainless steel

Corrosion Science

A novel antibacterial stainless steel (ASS) with martenstic microstructure has been recently developed, by controlled copper ion implantation, as a new functional material having broad-spectrum antibacterial properties. The electrochemical corrosion behavior of the ASS in 0.05 mol/L NaCl was assessed using linear polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and compared with that of a conventional stainless steel (SS) without copper ion implantation. The ASS exhibited higher corrosion susceptibility in the chloride medium; with a more negative (active) corrosion potential, higher anodic current density and lower charge transfer and polarization resistance. This has been attributed to the occurrence of copper-catalyzed interfacial reactions. A functional tool, 3-D presentation of EIS data, has been employed in analyzing the electrochemical corrosion processes as well as probing complex interfacial phenomena. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

关键词: Stainless steel;Copper;EIS;Polarization;Corrosion;sulfuric-acid;copper ions;cu;microstructure;resistance



